Monday, June 21, 2010

Having a great hell of a time during CIP at KKH. Awesome man, I'm twisting balloons for the kidz - they're uber cute! But then again, if kena the kids who will ask u for a dog then run off, then come back again to say, "I dun wan this. Iwant the blue doggy". Gives the brat a blue doggy. Brat runs off. Brat comes back again. Said, "I dun wan this. Can I exchange for the rabbit?" Gives brat a rabbit. Brat runs off. Brat comes back AGAIN. "Can I exchange this for the reindeer?" Frustrated. Gives brat reindeer. Brat runs off...........and here he comes back......again.

He says, "Can I-"

And I say, "No."

Lol. Kidz are funny sometimes. Anyway, for 3 days - I think, or is it 4 days? Whatever - It's only me and Samuel Pokky-Porky that have been going for our CIP faithfully. Kinda pissed that our other  grp member Harry Bieber-Beaver hasn't been able to come for all the previous days. Oh well who gives a fucking shit about him.

Aanywaaaaaaaaay Pokky has a weird habit of hitting my head with the balloons =_= not to mention tickling me with them. No wait, it's more poking/attacking my face rather than tickling. Lol it's still fun though; at least my partner doesn't make things boring during the CIP.

Well! Wednesday's last day to do CIP. :/ A bit disappointed actually. It's been really enjoyable twisting balloons for the kids at KKH

Monday, June 7, 2010

Foooooooooooh. Had Cip briefing at KK Hospital this morning. Well, that done, me and my groupies headed back to SP to hang out at Moberly and played pool and wii. Pool was damn shiok! I'm getting so much better :) :) :)

My team won in the end. I shot the winning ball, haha. But then, rite after that, Samuel gave me a sweeping hug. WTF. First time ever in my life to receive that from the opposite sex! Shocked me like hell, though I noe it's a "Yay u made us win" kinda hug but still >.> Shocking. Well now I noe how it felt like to be in such with a guy =_= Ah hell. Can't believe I didn't see tt coming.

Ah heck, watever! All I noe is I want to play pool again :/

Met Raudhah in the bus on my way home. She's as crazy as ever XD

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Managed to finish 3D Max yesterday. Then reached home around 8+ pm. Went to bedroom. Play pc games. Then, "OH SHIT!! I nv save my 3D model as JPEG!!!"

So then today, woke up at 5.30 am, dragged myself to school -when there wasn't SUPPOSED to be school today- and tried to figure out a way to save the various perspectives of my 3D shit into jpeg format.

Wrestled with Joshua at studio today... okay not really wrestle, more like hand-to-hand and finger-to-finger combat. I lost at finger-to-finger >.> God my fingers hurt rite now. But I totally pawned him in hand-to-hand fights ^_^  yay for silat
Whoa....finally finish my 3Ds Max model.....aww heck my eyes hurt >_< now I noe how difficult it is to make 3D renditions of stuffs, what more a 3D It's brain crushing trying to make the 3D rendition of my lamp model to SCALE. Bloody fugger sia.....=_= Next week will start another new project. Looks like the coming holidays won't be holidays.

Well today I relaxed a bit...went for dinner with my camp buddies. Oh the joy! Haven't had a get together since the FOC camp X) Celebrated two of my friends b'days there. Aaaaah joy. Tho the food was....horrible

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Well.....crit's gone well...I guess. It's all over-

Oh no wait, it's not. Friggin' OC presentation tmr. With this much presentations ( c'mon, it's like presentations every WEEK) my stage fright is going away......away to despair.......

Ah.....despair. And suddenly a poem comes to my mind.

Despair and fear
It's all despair when noone hears
My soul is screeching
It mourns to you
Its like a bloody whisper, its like a flute
The midnight fence, that holds me back
It claws at my heart
Burns my soul...
It floods my lungs
Swells it, explodes it..
Shreds it
To torn pieces of flesh
Despair is simple, it holds 7 words
We wont die alone

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaan I'm sure being emo today =_=